by George W. DeHoff. The four gospels of Christ - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - which give the accounts of Jesus' works, death and resurrection are presented here, as well as the book of Acts, which details the beginning on the New Testament church and the conversion of the "chief of sinners", the apostle Paul, who became the greatest missionary for Christ that the world has ever known. Based on the King James Version, the "commentary for the common man" sheds light on many passages dear to students of the Word of God. The gospels and the books of Acts, as no other part of the Bible, contain the core of Christianity and its beliefs, and all the knowledge one needs to become a Christian and live pleasing to God. Prepared with clear, readable type. Bound in blue, legal style cloth binding, stamped in gold and black. 451 pages, hardcover. 9781933965093
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