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Back in 1927, a young George W. DeHoff bought a small hand printing press, set up the gospel plan of salvation (in hand type), printed hundreds of copies and walked door to door giving them away and telling people they should obey the gospel of Christ.  The following year he was selling Bibles, Smith's Bible Dictionaries and Cruden's Concordances door to door.  And he never let up! Through Burritt Preparatory school,Freed-Hardeman College, Harding College, Peabody College and other graduate schools, he kept writing, publishing and preaching.  Several million copies of his books are in print, and more than ten thousand people

were baptized by him.

In 1939, DeHoff Publications was founded and in 1952 moved into its own building at 749 N. W. Broad Street, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where his family still run the bookstore and continue his legacy.


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